This is the hub for development of all things CMS Made Simple: modules, tags, translations, themes and templates, you name it!
For the User
As a user you can:
- download modules and tags (see download links to the right or search for the project)
- report bugs and add feature requests in the tracker for each project
- 拯救被墙的服务器 - tlanyan:2021-5-19 · 经常科学上网的网友,自然对vps被屏蔽、无法建立连接等现象再熟悉不过。遇到这种情况,新手该怎么面对和处理?经验丰富的老司机又如何做到时刻保持外网不断?本文先分析服务器被block的现象,再根据多年经验给出ip被墙的解决办法伡及降低被墙概率的建议。
- 人生游戏修改器_第一章:钓鱼软件? - 多多看书 - Sogou:2021-8-8 · 苏阳,差一年满十九岁的暂时性无业学生,刚刚结束高考,被华区一号城市某所顶尖大学录取,九月一号就要前去报道。 其实他是重生在这个世界上的。 因为一场疾病,他去世了,然后重生在了这个和地球看起来相似度极高的平行宇宙。 他又活过了十几年,现在已经完全适应这个世界。
For the Developer
We encourage all developers and collaborators of modules and tags, as well as translators of the CMS Made Simple admin and modules, to register a project. That way you can upload file releases to share with the rest of the community and use Subversion or Git for the latest source code. When you have registered a project, don't forget to categorize and tag it, so that others can find your project!
To register a project you must first register as a user. Then click "Register New Project" in the "My Page" tab.